Electricity sector


Services Given in Energy Sector


Electrical works professional competency


The petroleum and energy authority, by the power vested in it by proclamation No. -----to issue certificate of competency is issuing professional competency certificate of electrical works to professional. As per the electrical works professional competency certificate issuance directive No -----, the types of electrical works to be issued competency certificate are;

  1. Electrical installation
  2. Electrical design and supervision, and
  3. Electrical inspection and testing
  4. General procedures
    1. Applicants shall fill properly and completely the application from provided the authority. Only copies of necessary documents shall be attached to this form. The applicant must, however, bring original documents for authentication purpose.
    2. Approval of applications for registration is based on the minimum requirements as given. click the link. Procedures and requirements 
    3. Foreign documents shall be verified by the ministry of Ethiopian foreign affairs or other proper authorities.
  5. Registration
    1. Applicants shall fill properly and completely the application from provided by the authority. Only copies of necessary documents shall be attached to this form. The applicant must, however, bring original documents for authentication purpose.
  6. Educational credential
    1. Educational documents which are different from the Ethiopian educational standard should have a letter of credential issued by the appropriate authority or the ministry of education.
  7. Preparation of examination
    1. Written and practical examinations will be given.
    2. The applicant will be informed his result the same day as soon as the examinations has been marked.
  8. Classification, grades, scope of work and minimum criteria of competency certificate of electrical installation works

Procedures and requirements  




Contact Us

Petroleum and Energy Authority 

P.O.BOX 2554

Tel +251 

FAX +251

Email pea.info@pea.gov.et

Addis Ababa



Addis Ababa Kadco Group building #2 From 7th to 8th floor. Ethio china Friendship Avenue around Wello sefere.